We hope you all had a memorable and relaxing holiday!
Upcoming events:
Conferences will be held next Friday, 15th of January from 1:00 to 3:00 in the afternoon. If you wish to meet with Ms. Nydia or Ms. Linh to discuss your child's progress please email them to set up a time. Students will be dismissed at 11:45 on this day.
Schedule Change
To further prepare students for the middle school routines and expectations, fifth grade will be doing class rotation for their core subjects (Enlgish, Math, and Themes-Science and Social Studies). Ms. Nydia will be teaching both classes for English and Ms. Linh will be teaching Math and Themes for both classes. This will prepare students for sixth grade when they will have different teachers for different subject areas. Please refer to the new schedule for 5A/B on our blog. We will start this change on Thursday, 7th of January.