
MATH - Our math program follows the Common Core Standards by using the well-renowned Scott Foresman/Addison Wesley Grade 5 Math program.  We will be following the CCSS Standards and covering roughly one lesson each day in a one-hour class session.  The students will have a follow-up homework assignment each weekday evening (Monday – Thursday) that allows them to review and practice what they learned in class that day.  Each sheet will be checked in class the following day. Homework in Math class counts as 30% of the quarter grade (as shown in Engrade). There will be a test at the end of each chapter, and (pop) quizzes periodically to assess the students’ progress and learning.  We are planning to cover 2 to 3 chapters of the program each quarter.

READING– Every fifth grader has to read every night.  The reading homework will vary between SSR (Self Selected Reading selections),  HOME NOVELS (which will be assigned in school for home reading), GUIDED READING in class, and LITERATURE CIRCLES in different student groups.  Students are required to read 30-40 minutes daily.  Students are required to write summaries of their daily reading, following the guidelines that have been practiced in class.

SPELLING – Except on very rare occasions (i.e. short weeks) the students will receive a new Spelling list each week, which has 20 words that cover a spelling sound or writing pattern. Spelling homework is to be completed and submitted the following day. The breakdown of the weekly homework is as follows:
            Monday – Write sentences with the words (using 2 words in each sentence)
            Tuesday – Choose a different activity from the list
            Wednesday – Spelling sheet
            Thursday – Study the Spelling words for the weekly quiz