Monday, January 25, 2016

Monday, January 25, 2016

Important Information for Parents

Presentation for Parents:
 We cordially invite all school parents to come to a presentation that will be given by the Lic. Manuel Morales on the topic “The Challenges that XXI Century Parents Face”. This presentation will take place on Thursday, January 28, at 12:00 p.m., in the Conference Room. The school will be providing some refreshments.

NEW BRICKS4KIDS MODULE – if you did not get a chance to register your child for the new upcoming module, please send an email to Ms. Cristiana at There are still spaces available for our students from Kindergarten to Fourth Grade who want to join the fun. This module’s title is “Cranium Contraptions”.  The New module begins on Monday, January 25, from 3:15 to 4:15 p.m.

Scholastic News - Scholastic Book Club leaflets were given out last week. This is an optional activity offered by the school, because we know you want to motivate your child to read at home.  With your purchase, our library will accumulate points to redeem more books for the benefit of your children in our school.  The due date to purchase the books online is January 25. The books will arrive to the school in one single delivery, and we will distribute them to the students according to their orders, approximately three weeks after the purchase due date.

DPTO UPCOMING EVENTS – Please support the DPTO in their activities that aim to foster community building, school pride and fund raising for school project!
**BREAKFAST will be sold at the informational assembly on Saturday, January 23
**FUN RUN – to be held at school on Saturday, January 30 at 8:30 a.m.
**BINGO – will take place on Friday February 19

VALENTINE’S DAY SALE – The Seniors 2016 will give out flyers this week so that our students can pre-order their candies, flowers, ect for Valentine’s Day, which will be celebrated on Friday,  February 12. Payment for the orders will be picked up one week before, on Friday, Febraury 5. The Seniors 2016 thank you in advance for your cooperation in this activity.

Important Dates Coming Up:
January 23                               INFORMATIONAL GENERAL ASSEMBLY 9:00 A.M.
January 25                               New Bricks4kidz Module begins  (Cranium Contraptions)
                                                Scholastic purchase deadline
January 28                               Presentation for Parents 12:00 m.
January 29                               FUN SPORTS DAY!
                                                Professional Development; Half Day: AM Schedule

Week of January 25 - 29

Hope all of you had a nice week end. This week Ms Linh will  not be in school. Ms Maru will be substituting for her. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact me.
Ms. Nydia

This week in fifth grade students will

Fifth graders will continue to read Tuck Everlasting in class for guided reading and will read The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe as an independent reading. They will work on this book independently and will be expected to answer comprehension questions both orally and in written form. Both novels are fantasies.
We have finished our fantasy stories and are now ready to publish! This week students will be taking books home to share with family. We will begin learning about characteristics of myths and will begin brainstorming ideas to write our own.
We will review the proper use of quotations when using dialogue.

Social Studies: 
Students will continue to work on their projects on Greece. Some will need to bring electronic devices to school to research important facts.

We will begin Chapter 4  Dividing with 2 Digit Divisors. Students must continue to practice Xtramath at home for fluency.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

January 18-22nd

Hope all of you had a relaxing long week end!

This week in fifth grade students will

Fifth graders will continue to read Tuck Everlasting in class for guided reading and will read The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe as an independent reading. They will work on this book independently and will be expected to answer comprehension questions both orally and in written form. Both novels are fantasies.

In Writing, fifth graders will be creating their own fantasy stories. The students are at different levels in the Writing Process. Some are peer editing while others are already publishing and illustrating. After learning about the characteristics of myths, fifth graders will write their own myths!

We will be reviewing the correct use of commas. Students will be revising each other's work and checking for capitalization errors.

A cumulative test covering everything from Chapter 1-3 will be on Thursday.
We will then continue with Chapter 4: Division of Double Digit Divisor

Ancient Greece
Students did an excellent job last week practicing their note taking skills and using to the notes to study for their Timeline quiz.  We will continue working on note taking skills to prepare them for middle school...and life!
This week students will look at the Geography of Greece and it's impact on the ancient civilization.

Monday, January 11, 2016

January 11th to 15th

Students are successfully adjusting to the class rotation for their core subjects.  This is a great sign that their transition into Middle School next year will be much smoother with one less hurdle for them to overcome!

5A Chapter 3 Math Test- Thursday, 14th of January
5B Chapter 3 Math Test- Friday, 15th of January

Both class will have a Cumulative Test covering Chapters 1-3 on the 21st of January!
Start Reviewing NOW!

We are starting our Ancient Greece unit this quarter.  Students will focus on enhancing their reading skills of informative text, note taking skills, research skills, and studying skills, while learning about the fascinating contributions Ancient Greece made to our modern day culture.

Students will begin reading The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe independently.  They will be working on answering comprehension questions and in-class discussions. In class, we will be reading Tuck Everlasting.

We will be learning about the characteristics of fantasy stories and then will concentrate on myths. Students will be creating their own myths and learning about Greek mythology.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

January 4th to 8th

We hope you all had a memorable and relaxing holiday!
Upcoming events: 
Conferences will be held next Friday, 15th of January from 1:00 to 3:00 in the afternoon.  If you wish to meet with Ms. Nydia or Ms. Linh to discuss your child's progress please email them to set up a time.  Students will be dismissed at 11:45 on this day.
Schedule Change
To further prepare students for the middle school routines and expectations, fifth grade will be doing class rotation for their core subjects (Enlgish, Math, and Themes-Science and Social Studies).  Ms. Nydia will be teaching both classes for English and Ms. Linh will be teaching Math and Themes for both classes.  This will prepare students for sixth grade when they will have different teachers for different subject areas.  Please refer to the new schedule for 5A/B on our blog.  We will start this change on Thursday, 7th of January.