Monday, October 26, 2015

October 26-30th

A big week ahead!!

It was nice to see all the parents come out during the Student Led Conferences.

Book Character Day: Thursday 29th October
Students are invited to come to school that day dressed up as their favorite character from a book so get your costumes ready.

Giving back to those in need.
Thank you to the students who took the time to give to the less fortunate children of Honduras this weekend.  We have received some videos and pictures.  You have done a wonderful thing.  The UN would be proud.  For those of you who would still like to give back to society, there is still time.  This could be done anytime.  Make sure to send your evidence to your teacher.

UN Presentations
This Wednesday, fifth grade and first grade will be presenting their  projects on the UN and its' different branches.  This has been a collaborative effort.  Parent are invited to come and support the group's effort.  More information will be sent home with your child.

Embassy Tour
Please remember to send your child's permission slip to go to the US embassy by Tuesday.  They can not attend this trip without having turned in their permission slip.  We will be leaving the school at 12:30 and returning at 2:45.  Please make sure that your child has on the Discovery School T-shirt for the field trip.  One can be purchased with Ms. Carolina in the office.

UN Day
This day will be celebrated on Friday morning.  Students will be dismissed at 11:45.  Come out and join in the celebrations.

Speech and Spelling Bee Competition
We will be having a Spelling Bee the next two Fridays to choose a winner for the National ABSH competition in February.  We will also be holding a speech competition in the next three weeks to choose a winner who will represent fifth grade at the ABSH Speech Competition.  More information to come.

Have a wonderful week!