Friday, October 30, 2015

UN: Kindness Begins At Home

Kindness Begins At Home.

Students have spent the last two weeks learning about the different ways the UN has helped countries around the world.  They expanded their learning into their communities and took action to help the children of Honduras who were less fortunate.

Students prepared sandwiches, donated old toys and clothing, and went out to give this small gesture of hope to those in need.  Below are pictures and videos of their generosity and kindness.

                                          David Martenez


Jose Alberto



Alex and Sofia

David Blanco

November 2nd to 6th

ABSH Spelling Bee
This week we will be having our class Spelling Bee. The winner will represent the fifth grade class at the ABSH Spelling Bee in San Pedro Sula in February 2016. You can find the list of words on this blog.

U.S. Embassy Tour
On Thursday, October 29, the fifth graders visited the U.S. Embassy. It was a very informative visit where the students learned about what every department does within the embassy as well as how an embassy helps the "host" and "home" country. Our students were excited to meet Ambassador Nealon and asked many questions and were very inquisitive about his work in the embassy. Thank you to the Moms who accompanied us, Enjoy the pictures.

Book Character Day
Book Character Day was a lot of fun! Students dressed up as their favorite story character!

Monday, October 26, 2015

For students that are interested in participating in our fifth grade Spelling Bee, here is the fifth grade list of words. Please practice spelling these words. For the Spelling Bee, you must say the word, spell it and say the word again. Next week we will be having our first class spelling bee to choose our grade representative.

October 26-30th

A big week ahead!!

It was nice to see all the parents come out during the Student Led Conferences.

Book Character Day: Thursday 29th October
Students are invited to come to school that day dressed up as their favorite character from a book so get your costumes ready.

Giving back to those in need.
Thank you to the students who took the time to give to the less fortunate children of Honduras this weekend.  We have received some videos and pictures.  You have done a wonderful thing.  The UN would be proud.  For those of you who would still like to give back to society, there is still time.  This could be done anytime.  Make sure to send your evidence to your teacher.

UN Presentations
This Wednesday, fifth grade and first grade will be presenting their  projects on the UN and its' different branches.  This has been a collaborative effort.  Parent are invited to come and support the group's effort.  More information will be sent home with your child.

Embassy Tour
Please remember to send your child's permission slip to go to the US embassy by Tuesday.  They can not attend this trip without having turned in their permission slip.  We will be leaving the school at 12:30 and returning at 2:45.  Please make sure that your child has on the Discovery School T-shirt for the field trip.  One can be purchased with Ms. Carolina in the office.

UN Day
This day will be celebrated on Friday morning.  Students will be dismissed at 11:45.  Come out and join in the celebrations.

Speech and Spelling Bee Competition
We will be having a Spelling Bee the next two Fridays to choose a winner for the National ABSH competition in February.  We will also be holding a speech competition in the next three weeks to choose a winner who will represent fifth grade at the ABSH Speech Competition.  More information to come.

Have a wonderful week!

Monday, October 19, 2015

October 19 to 23rd

Student-Led Conference this Friday, 23rd of October.
A form will be sent home on Monday of the times scheduled for the student-led conferences this Friday.  If the time given does not work, please email us and we can organize a different time for the conference.

Students are reminded to bring a USB memory stick to school as this will help them to save any work that they've completed on the computer throughout the year.

Parents, please check your child's take home folder on a daily basis as there are forms sent home to inform and update you on their learning and upcoming events at school.

Book Character Day
29th of October is Book Character Day.  Students can come to school dressed up as any character from a book that they've read.  A form was sent home last week with all the information.  Parents, please complete the form and return it to the school as soon as possible.

Embassy Tour 29th of October @ 1:00PM
We are looking for two parent volunteers for the US Embassy Tour happening next week.

Monday, October 12, 2015

October 12-16th

We hope everyone had a relaxing holiday!!!!

Photos from our Countries Presentations.

We will continue with our Microworld Unit.  Students will start learning about the microscope and it's many functions.

We will be starting Holes by Louis Sachar this week as our class novel.

Students are continuing to look at sentence structure and paragraph writing with a focus on narratives.

We are starting our Multiplication Unit.  Students are encouraged to practice Xtramath at least 3 times a week at home to improve their accuracy and fluency on basic math facts.

Monday, October 5, 2015


Bricks4kidz ANNOUNCEMENT - Because of the changes in the October holidays, we would like to announce that the two remaining sessions of this first module of Bricks4kidz will be held on the following days:
Monday, October 5 – Session 3 from 3:15 to 4:15 p.m.
Friday, October 16 – Session 4 from 3:15 to 4:15 p.m.
We also want to give you a heads up that our second module will begin on the first week of November

DPTO UN Day Preparations- The DPTO has begun preparations for our school UN DAY celebration on Friday, October 30, from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. All school families are invited to participate and represent their country of origin. If you have a typical outfit from your country, and would like to participate in the annual showcase, please contact Carolina Villareal or Miriam Salagado

CHRISTIMAS BAZAAR- LOOKING FOR VENDORS- Discovery’s Helping Hands Club, a community service club that benefits the children of the Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos orphanage will be having a Christmas Bazaar.  Interested vendors should email,

ADVANCED EXTERNAL REVIEW TEAM VISIT- The school continues preparing for the AdvancED team visit October 18-22. The team has invited all parents for a meeting on Tuesday, October 20, from 2:15 to 3:15. The Early Childhood and Elementary parents will meet in the 2nd Floor Conference Room, and the Middle and High School Parents will meet in Community Information Center. Please mark your calendars/agendas if you are interested in coming and being a part of this accreditation process.

Important Dates Coming Up:

October 7, 8, 9                   NO SCHOOL - Government Holiday
Monday, October 12          Narratives Special Teachers Due on the Server by 3:30 p.m.
Tuesday, October 13          Narratives Homeroom Teachers Due on the Server by 3:30 p.m.
Wednesday, October 14     Grades Special Teachers Due on the Server by 3:30 p.m.
Thursday, October 15        Grades Homeroom Teachers Due on the Server by 3:30 p.m.
October 18 – 22                 ADVANCED  REACCREDITATION  VISIT
October 23                          Student Led Conferences
October 30                          UN Day Celebration; Early Dismissal (11:45 a.m.) P.M. Schedule

Sunday, October 4, 2015

MONDAY, October 5  is BLUE SHIRT DAY! If you read this note, please wear a blue shirt on Monday. It is World Day of Bullying Prevention.

Friday, October 2, 2015

October 5-9th


Students will be carrying out their country presentation this Monday with food, dance and games. Please come and see all the amazing things they've learned through this project.  Below is a schedule of when and where each country will present.

                     Infront of                  Ms. Nydia's room                Ms. Linh's room
                     Gr.5 class

8:10-8:30       Brazil                     Trinidad and Tobago                Peru

8:35-8:55                                     England                               Panama

9:00-9:20        Russia                   Saudi Arabia                          Canada

9:25-9:45        China                  South Africa

Government Holiday October 7-9th this week!