Sunday, November 29, 2015

Welcome back! We hope everyone had a relaxing Thanksgiving break. Thank you to all of you who sent in food for fifth graders to celebrate Thanksgiving. We had a fun time!

This week we will continue learning about Ancient Egypt and its impact on society today, as well as about their Gods and Goddesses, traditions and daily life.
Students will start their research project this week where they are expected to research a chosen topic, take notes, present their topic to the class, and produce a written summary of everything they've learned.  They will have two weeks to work on this project in school.

In Math we will continue estimating and dividing. Do not forget to practice Xtramath at least three times a week!

In Reading and Writing we continue to read and write informational texts and essays on Ancient Egypt. We are almost done reading The Egypt Game.

This week we also begin our Science unit on FOOD. We will be learning about nutrition and making the right food choices to stay healthy. Students will be recording what they eat for a week. We will reflect on this food journal to make the necessary changes. We will also be reading food labels and making sure we choose what is best for our bodies. We will also be inquiring into the foods the Ancient Egyptians ate.
PARENT VOLUNTEERS: We would like to take students on a hike to La Tigre.  If there are parents who are familiar with the area and are willing to guide students on the hike, please contact Ms. Nydia or Ms. Linh.  Thank you!

IXL  Language C.1, C.2, C.3 and D.1
Math D.3 

From Discovery

Dear Discovery School Parents,

On behalf of the Discovery School, we would like to thank the parents and students who have made donations towards the baskets for the school’s maintenance, support and security staff. We will be extending the deadline in order to offer additional time to bring more goods to school.

Nursery/Pre-Kinder and 6th grade       1 5-lb bag of beans
Kinder and 7th grade                           1 5 lb bag of rice
1st grade and 8th grade                        1 5-lb bag of sugar
2nd grade and 9th grade                       1 bottle or 2 bags of oil, 2 boxes of margarine, O 3 lbs of lard
3rd grade and 10th grade                      1 4lb-bag of MASECA
4th grade and 11th grade                      3 lbs of spaghetti (six packages) OR 1 bag of coffee
5th grade and 12th grade                      4 packages of tomato paste

**Please feel free to send any additional goodies that you want to share with our devoted staff, such as canned goods, instant soups, cookies and crackers, or anything else that does not require refrigeration. 

Please send these contributions by Friday, December 4. ¡There is no greater way to give thanks than by sharing with those less fortunate!

Estimados padres de familia,

En nombre de la Escuela Discovery, queremos agradecer a los padres y alumnos que han hecho la donación para las canastas para el personal de mantenimiento, apoyo y seguridad. Estaremos extendiendo la fecha límite de entrega para poder dar tiempo adicional para que puedan traer más productos a la escuela.

Nursery / Pre Kinder y  6to grado                  1 bolsa de frijoles de  5-lb.
Kinder y 7mo grado                                        1 bolsa de arroz de 5 lb.
1er grado y 8avo grado                                     1 bolsa de azúcar de 5-lb.
2ndo grado y 9no grado                                    1 bote o 2 bolsas de aceite, 2 cajas de margarina, O 3 lb. de manteca
3er grado y 10mo  grado                                1 bolsa de MASECA de 4lb
4to grado y 11avo grado                                   3 lb de espaguetis (6 paquetes) O 1 bolsa de café
5to grado y 12avo grado                                   4 paquetes de pasta de tomate

**Siéntase en la libertad de enviar cualquier producto adicional que usted desee para compartir con nuestro dedicado personal como ser alimentos enlatados, sopas instantáneas, galletas dulces y/o saladas, o cualquier otra cosa que no requiera refrigeración.

Monday, November 23, 2015

November 23rd-27th

This was a good week in our fifth grade. We have started learning about Ancient Egypt and students are interested in learning about this magnificent civilization. They have worked on creating a timeline of important events in Egyptian history and have worked on reading for important information and taking notes using the Cornell Method.

In Reading, we are comparing and contrasting characters in the Egypt Game as well as going over Story Elements.(setting, characters, plot, theme). In Writing we will be writing informative pieces with the notes gathered in the research about Egypt.

In Math we have continued to work on one digit division and estimation.Practicing multiplication facts will be beneficial when dividing .

Mid term grades have been sent home. Please make sure you sign them and send them back to school.

If you have not done so already, please read about our Thanksgiving lunch and let us know what your child can bring to share on Tuesday.

Volunteers Needed
After the Thanksgiving holiday we would like to organize a hike to La Tigra for our Science Unit on Health and Nutrition.  If there are parents who are familiar with the area and trails and would like to guide Fifth grade on the adventure please contact Ms. Nydia or Ms. Linh.

IXL: Language BB.1

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Thanksgiving Potluck


On Tuesday, November 24, the fifth grade students would like to have a Thanksgiving lunch to celebrate this meaningful holiday and give thanks for everything they are lucky to have. Here is a list of suggestions fifth grade has come up with. Please let your child know what he/she can bring to share with the rest of the students by Monday 22nd of November. There are 20 students in all. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Ms. Linh or Ms Nydia by email: or


chicken, ham, duck or turkey
vegetables (mixed)
corn on the cob
mashed potatoes or baked potatoes
sweet potatoes
bread rolls

Apple pie
Pumpkin pie
Anything sweet

Apple Juice
Fruit punch
or any other drink.

** We would like to keep this lunch as healthy as possible  and avoid excessive sugar!

Thank you! 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

New Information For This Week

For Grades 6-8
MIDDLE SCHOOL FIELD TRIPS – Unfortunately, we were not able to reach quorum to organize the different field trips (Copan – 6th grade, Lake Yojoa – 7th grade, and Tela – 8th grade). The initial payment will be reimbursed on Wednesday, November 25. Please, see Belgica in the Finance Office for the reimbursement.

For Grades 6-12:
HOMEWORK CLUB FOR SECONDARY – Secondary students will have the opportunity to receive assistance with homework twice a week. Ms Regina will be working with the students who wish to stay and work or specific students referred by teachers. 
When: Mondays and Tuesdays
Where: Room # 3
Who: Secondary Students
Time: 3:15 – 4:15 pm

ELECTRONIC DEVICES (cell phones, tablets, laptops, etc) – Students may bring their electronic devices to school with the understanding the school will not be responsible for any loss or damage. We advise all students to care good care of their electronic devices and to avoid leaving them on the floor or outside of rooms.

LOCKERS – The school has provided a locker to all secondary students for the purpose of protecting the student’s property, and preventing loss or theft. The lockers need to be secured with a combination padlock at all times. The students are responsible for the padlock and for seeing that their books and belongings are locked in the locker when not in use.

STUDENT COUNCIL FOR SECONDARY – Dr. Ketterer will be meeting with STUCO representatives on Wednesday, November 18 @ 10:00 in the Community Information Center.

For Everyone
MIDTERM PROGRESS REPORTS–Progress reports will go home this Friday, November 20. Please read and discuss the report with your child. The report needs to be signed and returned to school. If you wish to conference with a teacher, please do not hesitate to contact the school to set up an appointment. They must be signed and returned to school by Monday, November 23.

CHRISTIMAS BAZAAR- LOOKING FOR VENDORS- Discovery’s Helping Hands Club, a community service club that benefits children of the Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos orphanage will have a Christmas Bazaar.  Interested vendors send email,

Important Dates Coming Up:
November 16                     Special Teachers grades on the Server
November 17                     Homeroom Teachers grades on the server
November 20                     Midterm Reports Go Home
November 21                     Christmas Bazaar 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
November 25                     Early Dismissal
                                           PD for Teachers on Teamwork 1:00 p.m.
November 26 & 27           THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY
December 11                     Song Fest @ 6:30 p.m.
December 15                     Faculty Xmas Party

Sunday, November 15, 2015

We had another week full of fun and learning in fifth grade!

We have finished our Magnifier Unit in Science and our students are ready to dig into the study of ancient Egypt. We will be investigating how this ancient civilization lived and prospered. We'll learn about their many gods and goddesses, their daily lives, their contributions to the world, their rituals of burial including mummification, and much more. We will use what we learn as a springboard for language, math, art, science and social studies activities.
We would like to ask for your help in planning meaningful activities around this theme. If you have traveled to Egypt, we would love to hear about your adventures. If you own books, software or artifacts pertaining to ancient Egypt, we would love to borrow them. Our work will culminate with an exhibition of student work with costumes and customs of the time.

In Math, we will begin division and we encourage fifth graders to practice Xtramath at least three times a week to improve fluency.

Students who are interested, are encouraged to participate in our Speech Competition. They need to write a persuasive or informative piece and practice speaking in front of an audience at home. The speech may not be less than 3 minutes long  or longer than 5 minutes.   Our competition will take place on Thursday, Nov. 19 where we will choose a fifth grade representative. On Friday, Nov. 20, our fifth grade winner will compete agaisnt the fourth grade winner and an overall winner to represent both grades will be chosen. This student will compete in the ABSH Language Competition in San Pedro Sula in February.

Just a reminder that next Wednesday, Nov. 25 is a half day  due to professional development for teachers. Students will be going home at 11:45 a.m.  No school on Thursday, Nov. 26 and Friday, Nov. 27.

This week on IXL:
Language: Z.2, AA.1, AA.2
Math 9.3

Monday, November 9, 2015

Important Information. Please Read!

BRICKS4KIZ – The second module for Bricks4kidz begins this Monday, November 9, and will run for all the remaining Mondays of November. This exciting new module focuses on INVENTIONS! There are still spaces available, so come on Monday and sign up!  

CHRISTIMAS BAZAAR- LOOKING FOR VENDORS- Discovery’s Helping Hands Club, a community service club that benefits children of the Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos orphanage will have a Christmas Bazaar.  Interested vendors send email,

Kenpo Karate
We are ready to begin with Kenpo Karate classes. The schedule is as following:
Elementary: Monday and Wednesday from 3:15-4:30 p.m.
Middle School and High School: Tuesday and Wednesday from 3:15-4:30 p.m.
If you need the form of registration please contact  Mrs. Yeri Villeda (9480-7862) email:

We are getting ready for the ABSH Basketball tournament; this tournament will be held in the American school, Tegucigalpa. From November 11 to 14th.

Important Points: If parents or relatives would like to accompany us for support, they are welcome.

Important Dates Coming Up:

November 9                        Todo Tranquilo Assembly @ 8:20 a.m.
November 16                      Special Teachers grades on the Server
November 17                      Homeroom Teachers grades on the server
November 20                      Midterm Reports Go Home
November 25                      Early Dismissal
                                           PD for Teachers on Teamwork 1:00 p.m.
November 26 & 27           THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY

November 9-13

This was another fun and  interesting week in fifth grade! We had our Spelling Bee and we have a winner: Nicole Beckmann will represent fifth grade in the ABSH Language Arts Festival in San Pedro Sula in February. Congratulations Nicole!

In Math, we continue working on multiplying decimals and will be starting to use variables to write algebraic expressions. Students should be practicing Xtramath and IXL at home. We need to improve fluency!

We will be wrapping up our Science unit next week and will begin inquiry into Egypt and its history, customs, traditions, food and its impact on the present. We will be reading informative texts as well as writing informative pieces on this theme also.
Have a great week!