Monday, August 31, 2015


Fifth Grade had the pleasure of attending a presentation given by the 9th  Grade History class.  Aside from learning presentation skills for their future  projects, students were also able to learn about:  Art, Inventions, Sports, Major Cities, and Wars during the B.C. era.

Students are currently learning to adjust to fifth grade demands which will help to prepare them for Middle School next year.  A focus on organization (i.e. name and date on every assignment; ensuring homework goes home, is completed, and returned on the due date showing their best effort; and punctuality (arriving in the morning on time and quick transition between classes) have been our current goals.

In Reading this week,  we will continue with the independent reading of Misty of Chincoteague. We will have class discussions and  work on comprehension strategies related to the text. In class we have started reading Bridge to Terabithia. 

In Writing, students have been learning strategies to generate ideas for their writing pieces.  We have focused on this first trait of the 6+1 traits and have reviewed the steps to writing a complete paragraph.

Students will have a short Social Studies Quiz on Thursday.  The quiz will be everything they've learned up to this point in their mapping unit.  Review of all their notes and handouts will help them to prepare for the quiz.

There is usually a Math quiz  every week to assess student's understanding of the math concepts covered and to provide additional support to those in need.

Ms Nydia and Ms. Linh are there before class in the morning, at recess, and at lunch if students need assistance with their work.

Wednesday, September 2nd
Pack a waste free lunch!
Join in the fun activities to help us learn ways to reduce waste!
Activities will be held during elementary lunch recess!
For more information on waste free lunches, visit

To help our students learn more about waste free lunches and overall waste reduction, including the recycling program, at school, our 10th grade AP environmental science students will visit the elementary classes on Friday, August 28th and Monday, August 31stwith fun lesson and activities.

DPTO MEETING – There will be a DPTO meeting this Thursday, September 3 at 7:30 a.m. in the Community Information Center. All parents who would like to help the DPTO out with this year’s activities are welcome to attend!

CHANGES IN THE OCTOBER HOLIDAYS – We have received official word that a decree was issued in Congress changing the October holidays to October 7, 8, and 9 . We will be complying and changing the holidays.
We understand that some families may have purchased tickets for trips at the end of October, and we will be as accommodating as possible in helping our students with missed work. If this is the case, please contact the teachers and/or area coordinator to make the arrangements for make  up work and content.

For 6th grade teachers only:

6th GRADE TALK - A talk on Organizational and Study Skills will be given to the 6th grade students on Friday, September 4, at 1:17 p.m. We will meet in the New Conference Room located on the second floor of the Administration building. Parents are welcome to attend if they wish to do so.

Important Dates Coming Up:

Tuesday, Sept. 1                 Independence Day Assembly
Thursday, Sept 3                DPTO meeting @ 7:30 Community Information Center
                                           Area Meetings @3:15 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 4                    6th grade talk on Organizational Skills 2:15 p.m.
Tuesday, Sept 8                  Mid Term
Wednesday, Sept. 9            Midterm grades on the server by 3:30 p.m.
Friday, Sept. 11                  Independence Day Celebration / Early Dismissal 11:45 a.m.
                                            Progress Reports sent home
Monday & Tuesday            Honduran Independence Day Holiday
Sept 14 & 15
Tuesday, Sept 16                MAP Fall testing session begins

Friday, August 21, 2015


We had a great week in fifth grade! Students had fun learning new skills and establishing routines.

Early Dismissal Friday 28th of August @ 11:45 - Pro D

Currently we are learning the following topics in class:

MATHContinue working on place value, comparing and ordering decimals, as well as reviewing problem solving skills. Students may  use the Math Games site on this blog for a fun way to practice!  Students have already started using IXL to help reinforce the concepts covered in class.  Homework may consist of worksheets, textbook, and/or IXL.

SOCIAL STUDIES:Students are currently learning mapping stills and the different components in a map.  They will be creating a map of their own next this week.

ENGLISH: Next week students will start their independent novel and class novel.  The independent novel they will take home and read a few chapters a week followed by an activity.  The activity is due on Friday. The class novel we will work through together at school.

SPELLING: Students currently get 15 words each week connected either to their Theme Unit or their English work.  They need to choose 2 activities from the Spelling Choice Board (on the blog) and have it completed and handed in on Friday.  Their spelling test is also every Friday.

Students have worked very hard this week and deserve a well earn relaxing weekend!


DISMISSAL – We remind our parents that our student’s safety is our number one priority, and that every mechanism we use during the dismissal at 3:00 p.m. is geared towards that purpose. Please follow the instructions and procedures established by the teachers on parking lot duty, and ask your drivers to do so as well. Slow down when driving in and out of campus, and roll the window down so the teachers in the parking lot can call your child(ren) ahead of time. We thank you for your patience and cooperation in these first days of the school year.

STICKERS FOR YOUR VEHICLES – Each family will be issued a sticker for his/her car free of charge. Additional stickers may be purchased if needed at the Administrative building. Please make sure you bring the license plate number for the car(s) you are purchasing sticker(s) for.
HEADS UP ON THE OCTOBER HOLIDAYS -  Congress has voted on changing the holidays that were scheduled for the end of October and move them to October 7,8, and 9. Even though this was just announced this week, we will be looking for further confirmation on the finality of this disposition. Please make a note of this since we will need to comply with what the government mandates, which would mean moving our holidays to the new dates.

AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES – Information regarding ourAfter School Activities ( French, Kempo, Choir, Jazz Band, Violin, Athletics, Soccer and Basketball) will be sent home in the middle of the week.

Important Dates Coming Up:

Monday, August 24           ASA begins
August 24-26                     Dr. Dennis Klump visits Discovery School
August 27 -29                    ABSH Working Sessions and General Assembly in SPS
Friday, August 28              PD for Teachers – Early Dismissal (11:45 a.m) AM Schedule

Friday, August 14, 2015

We've survived the first week back!

Congratulations everyone, you've all survived the first week back to school.  Now the fun begins!

For next week:
Have your Math book covered by Monday.  Do not use contact paper!  Please use regular plastic or manila/poster paper.  Label the text book: Math, Name, Grade.

For students who have not brought all the class supplies to school, please make sure you get everything you need over the weekend, label it all with your name, and bring it to school on Monday.

Bring headphones on Monday to be kept at school for your typing sessions.

Each child will take home  his/her Learning Log on Monday. They know they have to be responsible for their homework and finish any assignments not completed in class. On the Learning Log, students will also have their username and password to IXL, which is an online learning program to assist them with the Math concepts covered in class.

Parents 5A:
Two forms will be sent to the email you have provided.  Please fill them out and return them by Monday.  If you did not receive the email by Saturday, please email me and I will add you to the contact list and send you the forms.

Parents, if you can please help your child set up an email account (if they don't already have one) over the weekend with a password they can remember and have them email me on their email address.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015


We are very excited to begin this new school year, and we are looking forward to a very successful year for everyone! 

Please do not forget to check our blog every Monday, and to read the important documents posted on the right side of this blog. 

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to email us at 

Ms. Linh and Ms. Nydia