Second Group Presentations: Ancient Greece Gods and Goddesses
The worked hard and did a great job!
They are now completing their Myth Vase. Pictures to come!
We will begin our thematic unit on Ecosystems. We will be learning about living things and how they depend on each other to survive. Students will be working collaboratively to create a terrarium and aquarium.
Groups are to bring 3 two litre Coca Cola Bottles fully cleaned out on Tuesday. Instructions on how to clean the bottles are on Google drive.
Students have finished Division and now are starting on their Fraction Unit.
Fifth graders enjoyed reading our two class novels and last week had the opportunity to watch the movie version of both "Tuck Everlasting" and "The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe". They will be comparing the book and movie version using a venn diagram. This week they will begin reading Bridge to Terabithia.
We will be working on different comprehension strategies as well as cause and effect.
We will continue working on our graphic novels this week. The students have worked hard on this writing activity. On Friday we will be showcasing three of their writing pieces: Fairy Tales, Myths and Graphic Novels.