(<=59) (60-69%) (70-74%)
(75-79%) (80-86%) (87-93%) (94-100%)
The meaning and development of the message
Searching for a topic
Limited information
Vague details
Random thoughts
Hints at topic
Reader left with many unanswered questions
Sporadic details
Glimmer of main point
General topic
Reasonably clear ideas
Details present but not precise
Shows some specifics
Topic fairly narrowed
New ways of thinking about topic attempted
Credible details with some support
Writer understands
Narrow, manageable topic
Clear and focused; answers’ readers questions
Relevant, accurate details enrich theme
Shows insight into topic
Unique treatment of topic
In-depth understanding of topic
Unusual details go beyond the obvious
Makes connections; shares insights effectively
The internal structure of the piece
No lead or conclusion
Sequencing not present
No awareness of pacing
Hard to follow
Ineffective lead and conclusion
Some sequencing apparent
Pacing awkward
Some attempt at structure
Routine lead and conclusion
More logical sequencing
Pacing generally under control
Common structures detract from content
Effective lead and conclusion
Sequencing works well
Well-controlled pacing
Common structures have smooth flow
Inviting introduction and satisfying
Effective sequencing
Pacing is creative
Structure begins to reveal theme
Introduction and conclusion are unique but
Masterful sequencing
Artful pacing used for stylistic effect
Powerful purpose shows commitment
The way the writer brings the topic to life
No concern for audience
Lifeless and mechanical
Flat or inappropriate
Purpose not present
Occasionally aware of audience
General statements require reader
Tries to engage
Hints at purpose
Writer begins to connect with the reader
Pleasing, yet “safe”
Write/reader connection fades in and out
Purpose inconsistent
Writer occasionally intrigues the reader
Pleasing; takes risks
Engages reader most of the time
Purpose consistent
Interesting and informative
Takes effective risks
Reflects interest and commitment in topic
Purpose shows clarity and understanding
Compelling and engaging
Writer goes out on a limb
Displays ownership of the topic
Powerful purpose shows commitment
The specific vocabulary the writer uses to convey
Vocabulary is limited
Simple words used incorrectly
No figurative language
Words do not convey meaning
Generally correct words; no spice
Language is functional
Attempts at interesting words
Words convey general meaning
Some active verbs and precise nouns
A moment or two of sparkle
Experiments with figurative language
Words begin to enhance meaning
Effective and creative verbs and nouns
Wording mostly correct
Accurate use of figurative language
Words begin to enhance meaning
Precision with words and phrases
Wording works effectively
Figurative language is effective
Words and phrases create picture
Powerful, engaging, and “just-right” words
Wording is accurate and precise
Artful use of figurative language
Words and phrases create lingering images
The mechanical correctness of the piece
Choppy, run on or incomplete
No “sentence sense”
Oral reading is not possible
Repetitive beginnings
Some simple sentences
Occasional connecting word use
Oral reading difficult
Attempts variation in sentence beginnings
Attempts compound and complex sentences
Sentences usually connect
Parts invite oral reading
Sentences begin in different ways
Begins to have easy flow and rhythm
Strong and varied structure
Oral reading encourages expression in places
Sentences well crafted
Rhythm and flow feel natural
Creative use of sentence length and structure
Invites expressive reading
Sentences relate and build upon one another
Carefully honed cadences
Exquisitely constructed sentences
Reading aloud is a breeze
Sentences enhance meaning
The mechanical correctness of the piece
For all work
Spelling errors impede readability
Incorrect punctuations and capitalization
Spelling errors even on easy words
Errors on basic punctuation and capitalization
Some usage and grammar errors
Occasional use of paragraphing
Spelling generally correct on basic words
Routine punctuation and capitalization
Grammar errors infrequent
Consistent paragraphing
Few spelling errors even on more difficult
Consistent use of punctuation and capitalization
Grammar and usage correct
Correct use of paragraphing
Spelling correct even on more difficult words
Accurate use of punctuation and capitalization
Standard grammar and usage under control
Sound and creative paragraphing
Uses unique spellings for style
Stylistic use of punctuation/capitalization
Grammar and usage contribute to clarity and
Paragraphing is stylistically effective
The overall appearance of the work
For all work
Handwriting unreadable
Random spacing or lack of spacing
Poor use of white space
Overall appearance unacceptable
Handwriting poor
Some thought given to spacing
Attempts at margins and headers
Overall appearance distracting
Handwriting mostly readable but inconsistent
Attempts consistent spacing
Margins and headers affective
Overall appearance is acceptable
Legible handwriting
Spacing improves clarity
Experiments with graphic elements
Overall appearance shows balance and
Handwriting is consistent
Good balance of space and text
Effectively integrates graphic elements
Overall appearance makes it easy to read
Handwriting shows uniform start spacing and
letter formation
White space and test work in harmony
Graphic elements and text are synchronized and
Overall appearance is pleasing